40% of all music listening in the US happens in the car. We have a huge opportunity to boost listening on Spotify by inserting ourselves in this environment, especially in the 25-34-year-old audience.

Task: Create a multi-channel campaign to get people in the US to think about listening to Spotify in the car instead of radio.


Listening to the radio in the car is a staple for many, but that doesn’t mean the experience is perfect. Your favorite songs get interrupted, you’re bombarded with irrelevant commercials, and don’t get me started on redundant radio rotation. Sometimes these are minor annoyances, but other times, they kill the vibe.


A multichannel campaign capitalizing on user data and live radio patterns to get radio listening commuters to try Spotify’s premium trial. If you’ve been there, you know it’s hard to go back once you try premium.

Spotify, The Vibe Saver


1: Out Of Home

A digital billboard synced to regions most listened to radio stations as defined by Statista data. 

Spotify will pay for digital billboards within specific regions to strategically display two different Spotify ads. These billboards will be synced up with the region's most listened-to radio station.

The billboard will display a standard Spotify ad as the radio plays its regular rotation. As the radio switches to its commercial break, the billboard will simultaneously transition to its second ad showcasing a couple of lines from the Vibe Saver campaign.

(see video below)

  • Before

    (real Spotify billboard)

  • After

    (vibe saver campaign triggered by commercial break)



What better way to reach radio listeners than on the radio?!

The average radio listener tunes in for the music, maybe talk shows but likely never for the commercials. Who wants to hear about a car dealership when they’re on a musical high? 

WHAT IF Spotify bought the entire 5-minute ad slot on the region’s 2nd most listened to radio station during the busiest time of day(predicted by traffic data)? What if, instead of listeners having to hear ads for this time slot, Spotify saved the vibe by filling it with more music?!

See the video below for an idea of how it would work.

Killed your vibe, didn’t it? 

Your fav part of your fav song, interrupted by 4-5 minutes of personal injury law, car dealerships, and whatever else they can squeeze in that you care equally less about.

You know what’s better than generic ads? Ad-free curated listing. The choice is yours... but for now, let’s save you from your misery. The next 5 minutes of music on us, Spotify, the vibe saver.

At the end of the voiceover, the “ad” would continue by playing a playlist curated to simulate a commercial-free segment brought to listeners by the vibe-saving superhero without a cape, Spotify. 

3: TV

Two TV Spots, each highlighting a different human perspective and how it pays off to have Spotify, the one and only vibe saver, in your pocket

Spot One: Don’t Kill My Vibe :45

The spot opens with the actor’s alarm going off, playing his favorite morning vibes(Rap Caviar). He gets up and stretches, becoming energized.

The spot jumps to a steamy bathroom as he belts out the lyrics to the next song on the playlist, maintaining his upbeat vibe.

The scene skips to him looking at his outfit in the mirror and checking himself out. *same curated soundtrack plays*

He grabs his stuff and heads to the car singing in his head and walking to a rhythm.

As he puts on his seatbelt and starts the car, the radio begins playing the last station he was listening to, which is the opposite of the vibe he’s been curating. He furrows his eyebrows and kisses his teeth, immediately pushing the Bluetooth button in his car to switch to his phone’s playlist.

He pulls out of the driveway as Kendrick Lamar’s classic, Don’t Kill My Vibeblares out the speakers.

Endcard reads: Spotify, the vibe saver. 

Spot Two: Back to the Streets: 45

The spot opens on a young lady at work jamming to music in her headphones while sending emails and watching the clock. A calendar notification pops up reminding her of her happy hour plans with her girls to help her get over her recent breakup. We see the office clock hit 5:30, and the young lady jets out of her seat excitedly dancing to the car. 

Things are going as planned until she starts the engine and the radio plays “their song.” 

The frame freezes on her face, frazzled and unsure. Is this a hot girl summer, or should she begin crying?

The spot cuts to the inside of her brain, where two screens play. 
Screen 1: Her with her girls at happy hour, dancing on a table having a great time. 
Screen 2: Her at home, eating ice cream on the couch, crying, looking through old pictures of her and her ex.

She picks up her phone and starts typing to her girls that she won’t make it. Noticing her phone is dying, she plugs it into the car, and her work playlist resumes playing. It starts on the chorus of Saweetie, Back to the Streets

Her mood changes as she texts, “see y’all soon!” and drives off.

Voiceover: We know what you want to hear and when you need to hear. 
Endcard reads: Spotify, the vibe saver. 


The Fear Factor


Adulting is Hard